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What is TWC?

The Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a constellation of multidisciplinary researchers who study the scientific and engineering principles that underlie the Web, to enhance the Web's reach beyond the desktop and laptop computer, and develops new technologies and languages that expand the capabilities of the Web under three themes: Future Web, Xinformatics and Semantic Foundations.

TWC goals include making the next generation web natural to use while being responsive to the growing variety of policy, educational, societal, and scientific needs. Research areas include: web science, privacy, intellectual property, general compliance, Web-based medical and health systems, semantic escience, data-science, semantic data frameworks, next generation virtual observatories, semantic data and knowledge integration, ontologies, semantic rules and query, semantic applications, data and information visualization, and knowledge provenance, trust and explanation for science. [More...]

TWC In Action

Tetherless World Constellation 1.95加速器 with a familiar friend at #WebSci17, hosted by TWC at the Franklin Plaza in Troy, NY(25-28 June 2017)

Tetherless World Constellation Professor Deborah L. McGuiness with Dame Wendy Hall (University of Southampton) at #WebSci17, hosted by TWC at the Franklin Plaza in Troy, NY(25-28 June 2017)

2017 TWC PhD Graduates with TWC Professors. From left to right: Graduate Evan Patton, Professor Deborah L. McGuiness, Graduate Tim Lebot, Professor Peter Fox, Graduate Han Wang, Professor James Hendler and Graduate Kristine Gloria

TWC Professors at 2017 graduation ceremony at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Peter Fox, Deborah L. McGuiness and James Hendler

Patrick West presents his poster "Provenance Capture in Data Access and Data Manipulation Software" at AGU Fall Meeting 2013

Tim Berners-Lee (center) congratulates TWC PhD recipients Greg Williams (left) and Jesse Weaver (right) during a March 2013 visit.

TWC's Peter Fox (center) receives the 2012 EGU Ian McHarg Medal for significant contributions to Earth and Space Science Informatics. Presented by David Arctur (OGC) and Mohan Ramamurthy (Unidata) at EGU 2012.

The Directors of the WSTnet labs, including TWC's Professor Hendler, Professor McGuinness and Joanne S. Luciano, attend a reception at the British Consulate-General’s Residence in Chicago during WebSci2012

Eric Rozell, Ph.D. student with the Tetherless World Constellation, discusses his work with Semantically Enabled Faceted Search at the 2010 Fall Meeting of AGU in San Francisco, CA December 13-17

Web Science Summer Research Week at Tetherless World Constellation, July 2009

TWC students Jesse Weaver and 旋风加速器一天两个小时 accept award for winning Billion Triple Challenge at ISWC 2009.

James A. Hendler at the Tetherless World Grand Opening

Stephan Zednik presenting at Tetherless World Grand Opening to Professor Deborah L. McGuinness, Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, and RPI President Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson.

Li Ding accepts the second prize in the open track of the 2010 Semantic Web Challenge for the development of "TWC LOGD: A Portal for Linking Open Government Data."

1.95加速器 presents his work at IPAW 2010

Distinguished judges, participants, and the Elsevier and TWC facilitators at the conclusion of #TWCHack11, the Elsevier/Tetherless World Health and Life Sciences Hackathon (June 2011)

TWC graduate student Dominic Difranzo leads a tutorial on Linked Data mashups at #TWCHack11, the 加速器一天优惠券-淘宝天猫拼多多优惠券领取-胖爪:张萌成功励志套装3册 精力管理手册+加速+人生效率手册 时间管理 重塑升级版 赢下卓有成效地过好每一天 年轻人的成长加速器 正版 原价¥94.4 0 件 (June 2011)

TWC graduate student Jim McCusker won the Grand Prize at #TWCHack11, the Elsevier/Tetherless World Health and Life Sciences Hackathon (June 2011)

Announcements and News - Subscribe

RPI Undergraduate Researchers win "Best Poster" at WebSci'19!RPI Undergraduate Researchers win "Best Poster" at WebSci'19!
July 10, 2019
一天一块加速器TWed Discussion: Knowledge Graph Engineering with Satoru
September 25, 2017
WebSci17: The 9th International ACM Web Science Conference 2017 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)WebSci17: The 9th International ACM Web Science Conference 2017 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
June 26, 2017
TWed Lightning Talks (Spring 2017)TWed Lightning Talks (Spring 2017)
TWed Discussion: Fun with GANsTWed Discussion: Fun with GANs
April 21, 2017


  • New to TWC / TWC 101
  • 1.95加速器
  • Data Science (2018 Fall)
  • TWed
  • TWC Ph.D. Graduates
  • Open Research Positions
  • Data Analytics (2018 Spring)
  • GIS for Science(2018 Spring)
  • Xinformatics (2018 Spring)
  • 加速器 风扇_知乎好物推荐:此时,风扇成了盛夏之前的过渡期必备电器。传统风扇在发展过程中虽然已经被赋予了很多人性化的元素,比如可遥控、预约、送风类型等功能,不过清洗方面还是不太方便。清洗电风扇需要先取下风扇的网罩,然后擦拭风叶。对于家里有儿童的家庭,更要格外当心,以防孩子稍不注意将手指伸入网 ...
  • Data-gov Project  

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